SWS Successfully leads Crowley Independent School District $450mm Transaction
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Bond 2023 Inaugural Transaction
Crowley ISD has received the first round of bond funds from the voter-approved Bond 2023 package. The $450 million from this first issuance will be used for the construction of new schools, renovations and safety projects across the district as part of the larger $1.04 billion bond package approved by voters in May 2023.
The $450 million transaction was led by Siebert Williams Shank & Co. LLC to help fund Crowley ISD’s Long-Range Facilities Plan to address student enrollment growth. Siebert Williams Shank (“SWS” or “Siebert”), the nation’s top ranked minority and woman-owned investment banking firm, led a $450 million bond deal for Crowley ISD, representing the district’s inaugural issuance from its historic $1.04 billion bond election.
Crowley ISD’s selection of SWS represents the largest such transaction ever led by a minority firm for a Texas school district. The bonds, issued Crowley ISD, were sold on Aug. 3, and closed on Aug. 23, 2023.
Read the full press release here:
Crowley Independent School District
August 23, 2023